How to Spot a Stroke
Submitted by: Christine Stone, RN Clinical Liaison
It cannot be overstated enough – every minute counts when someone is having a stroke. There is, however, an easy way to learn and remember the early warning signs of a stroke. Use the acronym “BEFAST.” If one or more of the symptoms is present – seek immediate medical attention. The sooner treatment is started the greater the chance of minimizing permanent neurological damage.
Balance Loss of balance, dizziness or headache.
Eyes Blurred vision, loss of vision in one or both eyes.
Face One side of the face is drooping. Try to smile – if the face looks “lopsided.”
Arms Arm or leg weakness or numbness. Feeling “uncoordinated.”
Speech Slurred speech, difficulty speaking or understanding what is being said to you.
Time Time to call 911 immediately for an ambulance. Never drive yourself to the